Thursday 7 March 2019


Photo from Rightmove (taken by estate agents).

I'd been receiving renewal notices for my blog domain for about three months prior to its expiry on the 5th January and I'd had a quick skim through the emails each time without giving much real thought to it.

I suppose I figured I'd probably update my payment information and renew it closer to the time but then the time came and went and I received a 'payment failure' notice with the option to update my payment method and renew by no later than 10th January before my domain vanished into the abyss.

I guess there's nothing like running it down to the wire. I renewed on the 9th January. Which is interesting given that I haven't really blogged in a good few years now. Not consistently at least. I usually get a bit of motivation, do a few posts in quick succession then pack it in. But I guess part of me is sentimental over this little old blog, despite much of its historical content having been deleted, or banished to the 'draft' zone, and I just wasn't ready to see it hit the skids just yet.

This time, I'm in a very different place to when I last blogged. I guess the biggest change would be that I'm now in a new relationship, which is technically no longer new in a period of time way, but new in terms of it being mentioned on here. I have also progressed in my career.

These two factors combined have opened up some very exciting doors in terms of my future both figuratively and literally I suppose, and I'm unbelievably excited to share that Ryan and I are in the process of buying a house together.

We're already starting to find ouselves knee deep in furniture which doesn't yet have a home, or at least our families are (thanks parents) as we find various items we don't want to pass us by in the wait for completion, and with ideas swarming around our heads of what we could do with the place. I cannot wait for it to all come together within the next month or so, and not that I'm biased, but I cannot believe that we will imminently own the most beautiful house I think I've ever walked in to (yes, that is our real life house to be up top!).

I love my little old terrace in Lancaster and it's been the perfect base for nearing three years, but it's time to move on and into our first, and most probably forever, home that we've chosen together. This isn't goodbye though as I will be taking on the trials and tribulations of becoming a first time landlord and renting the old girl out. And I'll be taking the blog along for the ride as well as frantically searching for posts/videos from other people who have done something similar. Help.

So, I guess that's why I've reignited 'Life of Laura'. Because now I'm in a position where I'm ready to share things again, to be part of a community of likeminded individuals and to learn from them.

Instagram has played a big part in that in recent months, and I find it a shame that attention is taken from the wonderful creators over there by the bashing of the platform and its algorithms, buying of followers and all over competitiveness. I personally have been loving it lately and I plan to be a bit more active over there going forward, sharing the progress of both houses.

If I can gather my lady balls together, I might even post some chatty stories on all things housey too. I love watching them and 'getting to know' the people behind the houses I admire. That's something that feels very alien to me at the moment though, talking to a camera on your phone and sharing it with people who don't know you and most probably find you and your life as dull as dishwater. We'll see, I guess.

I feel that since the inception of this blog, I have changed significantly. My life, my interests, heaps. I have learnt a lot and have ultimately grown up. I published a post back in October 2017 called 'The Trouble With Blogging' and my views in that post remain.

In 2012, I couldn't get enough of lipstick reviews and as a result, found myself with hundreds, literal hundreds of the things. Shades that didn't suit me, shades that did but that I'd forgotten about, lipsticks in limited edition packaging despite owning the original several times over. It was something that made me happy at the time, but priorities change. Fads pass. And I try to be much more environmentally conscious these days, in a number of aspects anyway.

That doesn't mean to say I don't have beauty products I love and may at some point want to share, and I don't want to come across as a hypocrite in doing so.

I figure, what I'm trying to say, is that I want this blog to reflect my life now. The big, life changing things going on in my life, and the smaller things that I also enjoy and I hope you'll forgive me for my rambling post, but I feel that something needed to be said before jumping back in, in a totally different direction to where I left off.

It's been so long that I've forgotten how to sign these things off. Catch you on the other side?


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